Collection: E V O L U T I O N

We’re on the precipice of change.

And with change comes grief, endings, sadness, loss, vulnerability, fear, anger, with change comes death. The comfort of the facade of security is stripped away, and we are left standing with the raw naked truth staring us in the eye. Look deeper. Let go. The only constant is change. And this change that is coming is an upheaval and rewriting of everything we thought we knew.

[R]EVOLUTION is what is required of us in many facets of life, and what begins as a journey with a love for horses ultimately demands of us deep change within ourselves. This IS the journey.

This design is the cover of my upcoming poetic picture book for all ages, "Dear Equestrians." Let this symbol speak for itself, the change that is happening within the equine industry, but also within our own hearts.